Galvanized steelpipe is a steel pipe that has been coated with zinc. Thiscoating protects the steel from corrosion. It is most commonly usedfor outdoor construction like fences and handrails, or for someinterior plumbing. It is also sometimes called galvanized ironpipe.
To create galvanized steel pipe, steel materials are placed intoa molten bath of zinc. This process is also called hot dipgalvanization. The two metals are chemically bound to one anotherin this process, and will therefore never separate, resulting in amore resistant and longer lasting version of steel.
Galvanized steel pipe is generally connected by threads oneither end of a length of pipe. A small amount of adhesive istypically placed on the threads before screwing them together, inorder to reinforce the connection. If no threads are available, thepipes and fittings can be welded together, although caution shouldbe taken because the heat from welding can release dangerous zincfumes into the air. Pipes can be cut using a cutoff saw orhacksaw.
The standard is BS 1387, GB/T 3091-2001, DIN 17175,etc.
Galvanized Steel Pipe